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Several types of transformers available in the market

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Transformers have an important role to play in the overall functionality of a national or regional power grid. They are mainly responsible for the successful transmission of high voltage power across the entire grid and long distances. Although most of the transformers you may have come across are huge, you should note that they also exist in smaller sizes and some are specifically designed to handle low power outputs. The size of a transformer depends on the amount of power required by the client as well as the anticipated function of the transformer.…

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Topsoil Vs. Potting Soil: Which Is Best For My Flower Beds?

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No flower can thrive for long without the proper planting medium from which is can draw its water and nutrients, and choosing the right soil is one of the most important aspects of establishing a successful flowerbed. However, knowing exactly which kind of soil you require can be challenging, especially since the differences between different types of soil are often vaguely defined. If you are establishing a new flowerbed in your garden or on your balcony, some sources will recommend using topsoil, while others will recommended using potting soil.…

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Why Glycol Solutions Should Be Tested Regularly

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Closed-loop cooling and heating systems rely on a mixture of glycol and water to protect the system from freezing during cold weather. However, that solution can only do its work if it is maintained at the recommended concentration and integrity level. This article discusses some of the important parameters that you should test on a regular basis in order to confirm that the glycol solution in your cooling system is working effectively.…

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